
All works in this album are painted in gouache.
The canvas is taken as a basis on an unusual ribbed surface,
which gives a special lively feeling when perceived.

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This section contains a small number of photos from exhibitions in Italy.
Rome, Naples, Pontecorvo, Cassino and other cities.
There were also exhibitions in Kyiv, Odessa.

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Portrait means, in French, «to reproduce a feature within a feature» of the person being depicted.
A portrait is usually painted from life. The artist is faced with the difficult task of conveying not only
a person’s appearance, but also his character, his inner world, individuality, age.

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Some varied work done at the discretion of the clients.
These kinds of orders are often an original gift.

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Here is a small fraction of the work done in the last few years and available electronically.
This small gallery gives an idea of the writing style, craftsmanship and experience.

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